Lisbeth, I really appreciate your perspective and encouragement for gratefulness. Imagine what our world would be like if we had more of it. Thank you for sharing all the links and wonderful pictures!

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Beautiful message and start to your year! I like the reflection on writing contests a lot. I guess in some ways the conflict you discuss is like “simply” publishing (which doesn’t always feel simple). Do we even like what we put put there and will others? And do people respond better to writing we possibly thought about throwing away? Congratulations on your wins and also just for entering!

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Grateful to have met you through our substack go group, and follow your words (and vegan exploration) through the year!

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Happy New Years to you, too! (On a side note. I decided to use the picture of me taken at the Mystery writer panel on my Facebook page because it was the best one I have seen of myself this year.)

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